Usui Tibetan Reiki Certifications

  • Usui Tibetan Reiki Level 1

    Available as private ($500) or open ($250) classes, in-person or online.

    6 hour class

    In this one day course you will learn:

    Meditation Basics

    Chakra Basics

    Reiki History

    Reiki Hand Positions

    Reiki Principles

    How to perform a self-reiki treatment

    Animal treatments

    Receive Level 1 Attunement

    Receive a reiki manual

    Receive a chakra crystal kit

    Receive certificate

  • Usui Tibetan Reiki Level 2

    Available as a private ($750) or open ($350) class, in-person or online.

    Day 1 - 10 AM TO 4 PM

    Day 2 - 10 AM TO 4 PM

    In this two day course you will learn:

    Level 1 class review

    How to perform a distance reiki treatment

    How to perform an in-studio reiki treatment

    How to read an aura, and perform an intuitive energy reading

    Receive your Reiki Level 2 symbols

    Receive Level 2 Attunement

    Receive a Level 2 Manual and Vanessa’s Chakra 101 Manual

    Receive Certificate

  • Usui Tibetan Master Practitioner and Teacher

    Available as a private class only ($750)

    Day 1 - 10 AM - 5 PM

    Day 2 - 10 AM - 5 PM

    In this two day course you will learn:

    Level 1 & 2 class review

    Receive master reiki symbols

    Learn how to spiritual protect yourself

    How to perform a healing attunement

    Hado breathing

    Reiki shower meditation

    Crystal basics (how to cleanse, how to create a crystal grid, how to set intentions)

    Violet breathe

    Reiki master meditation

    Receive master manual

    Receive certificate

Meet Me In Alignment

  • 8 pre-recorded courses

    Week 1 - ALIGNMENT - meeting yourself in truth. meeting your shadow. silencing the ego. and surrendering to your highest most authentic self.

    Week 2 - DISCIPLINE - making commitments to yourself, and keeping your thoughts towards is the ultimate form of self care. How you show up for yourself, is how the world shows up for you.

    Week 3 - BLOCKAGES - what limiting beliefs stand in your way of living in alignment. Dismantling your comfort zones, so you can step into your truth.

    Week 4 - INTENTION - prioritizing your Mind. Body, and Soul. will raise your vibration to become the ultimate manifesting magnet.

    Week 5 - MINDFULNESS - awakening your intuition. learning to trust this process, and trust what is for you.

    Week 6 - VICING & NUMBING - what ways do you self sabotage what is for you? this week we will be challenging ourselves, and removing some of those vices that get in our path.

    Week 7 - BOUNDARIES - maintaining a high vibration, comes with protecting your energy.

    Week 8 - COMMUNITY - take a deeper look into your external energies. who supports your dreams, who themselves embodies “the work”, and who pushes you into your truth.

Angel Tarot Card Reading Certification

  • 2 Hour Online Course (pre-recorded)

    Difference between Angel Tarot | Angel Oracle | Tarot decks

    Protecting your energy

    Connecting to your guides

    Cleansing your deck

    Performing a reading

    Different styles of reading

    Review of your readings

    Certificate (once I have reviewed 3 of your readings)